About Scherrer
Scherrer Resources, Inc.- Makers of Ally CRM Software Applications
About Scherrer Resources, Inc.
From ADP to Ziegler, Scherrer Resources, Inc. provides its Ally CRM software solutions to more than 500 of the world's leading institutions, including many of today's most influential and innovative organizations. Not surprisingly, our clients have recognized our application software and e-services as a strategic component of their overall business strategy -- and have turned to Scherrer Resources, Inc. to help them deploy high-profile client management offerings. Our customer-base looks to Scherrer's proven solutions as a means to:
Strengthen relationships with their most valued customers;
Generate additional revenue opportunities;
Increase employee productivity;
Keep the pipeline full;
Increase customer retention;
Facilitate cross-selling;
Gain competitive advantage in today's fierce and fast-moving investment market.
About Scherrer Resources, Inc.- IT Design Build
To learn more about the talented people who design, develop and support the Ally CRM product line, and the Information Technology consulting services available for hire from Scherrer Resources, Inc., go to: www.ScherrerResources.com.
Additional Scherrer products include Sales Ally CRM, Web Ally CRM, Advisor's Ally CRM, Recruiter's Ally CRM and other client/server and SaaS applications.
Web Ally CRM
And, for those seeking cloud-based, software as a service (SaaS) CRM, look no further as Sales Ally has been expanded to Web Ally CRM at www.WebAlly.com.
Representative Clients: First Allied/Advanced Equities, Hilliard Lyons Securities, Crowell, Weedon & Co., GunnAllen Financial, JP Morgan Investments, SunTrust Securities, Inc., JB Hanauer & Company, Waterhouse Securities, Stifel Nicolaus, Investor's Capital Corp.,Chase Manhattan Investments, Tier One Bank, CompuLife Investor Services, Conestoga Capital, M&I Bank,D.A. Davidson & Company ,First National Investment Services, Financial Service Corporation (FSC), Mellon Dreyfus Investment Services, Kirkpatrick Pettis, Smith, Polan, Inc., First Montauk Securities, Invest Financial Corporation, First Bank, U.S. Bancorp Investments, Nestlerode & Loy Investment Services, Norwest Investment Services, Inc., Crestar Securities, United Missouri Bank, UMB, N.A., Jefferson National Bank, Mark Twain Brokerage, Brenton Brokerage, Mechanics Investment Services, National Penn Bank, First of America Bank, BancOne Capital Corporation, Hibernia Bank, Davenport, Interactive Data Corporation- IDC, Corporate Securities Group, U.S. Bancorp Investments, Union Planters Bank, Chatfield Dean, Commercial Federal, B.C. Ziegler
Representative Partners: Beta Systems, Inc., Thomson Reuters Financial, BrokerHunter.com, CheckFree Investment Services, Fiserv Securities, Inc., Pershing, LLC of Bank of New York, U.S. Clearing Corporation, First Clearing, Wachovia, ADP Brokerage Information Systems, Financial Times- Interactive Data (FT-ID), Caesar System, Financial Database Solutions, IBM, Computers Systems Division, Tektronix Printer Division, Xerox, Herrera's CSSI Advent Axys Report Integration, Major Technology Resources, Inc., Financial Investment Network, FIN
About James S. Scherrer - Founder and CEO
Founder and President, Jim Scherrer has become an industry leader in the technology of sales and marketing. With a BS, MS, and MBA to his credit, he has provided engineering and consulting expertise to government agencies, public utilities, corporations, and sales and marketing professionals.
He is a frequent lecturer on sales and marketing computerization, and has authored numerous articles on technical and sales topics for newspapers and magazines. His most recent book, Portable Selling, The Key to Successful Sales Management with a Portable Computer (Simon & Schuster), describes the use of laptop and notebook computers in the selling environment.
A past President of the Sales & Marketing Executives of Philadelphia and a member of similar international and regional sales and marketing organizations, Jim has been cited in Who's Who in Science and Technology and Who's Who in the Computer Industry, is an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, and is putting his knowledge and ideas into action both inside and outside Scherrer Resources, Inc. His greatest expertise is in his ability to combine new computer technology and practical software applications, providing sales and marketing professionals with powerful tools for sales and customer management success.
His talents have been recognized throughout the personal computing industry, and his development team has won many awards for programming excellence, including: the coveted PC Magazine Editor's Choice, PC Computing Magazine's Best Product, Mobile Office Magazine's High Honors.
Jim is also founder of the Compuseum, a computer history museum which celebrates the positive impact which computers have had on society at www.TheCompuseum.org.
Should you have any need for assistance, Jim can be reached at 610-793-4600 or by e-mail at JimScherrer@AllyCRM.com.