Features of Sales Ally CRM- Your Partner for Success!
Sales Ally Software- CRM and Sales Contact Management
Sales Ally software was designed to grow with you as demands increase with years of experience and expanding business sophistication. Sales Ally is an inexpensive product that can provide CRM (customer relationship management), SFA (salesforce automation), contact management, marketing and reporting capability to improve sales funnel management and efficiency.
Sales Ally - $395
Sales Ally CRM has all the features you have come to know as "the classic" CRM. Perfect for beginning sales professionals or those with sophisticated database needs.
Track clients, prospects, and leads
Monthly, weekly and daily activities calendars
Built-in word processor and notepads
User Defined Fields and Interest categories
Campaign Lists for target marketing
Print and Mail reports
Help System & Glossary
Sales Ally Power Boost
Sales Ally includes a custom report generator and an ASCII/CSV data loading utility. Designed for the more robust needs of sales teams wanting to have special prospect databases. Especially helpful for sales assistants, too.
ASCII/CSV data Loader - Data and lead list downloading in ASCII/CSV comma delimited format
Sales Planner System - Initiate and track multiple sales activities for clients and prospects
Hot Scripts - Over 100 pop-up sales scripts for better prospecting and client sales efforts
Built in Prospecting & Sales Letters - Over 20 professional sales letters at your fingertips
Exporting Reports into different formats, Internet, e-mail, Word, Excel, Lotus, WordPerfect etc.
Network Versions - $300 more per additional user
The Network versions provide all the features of the foundational Sales Ally CRM product with the added benefit of having multiple users and a very affordable price.
Web Ally CRM
For those seeking cloud-based, software as a service (SaaS) CRM, look no further as Sales Ally has been expanded to Web Ally CRM at www.WebAlly.com. Contact us for pricing and proposal.
We organize the details, so have time to you do the rest.